Our 2024 landscaping contract begins February 1st. Services will be performed on your property as part of the HOA contract. Please reach out to community management to discuss opting out of individual services.
Private Property Services
Lawn Maintenance Program
Mowing With Bed Maintenance – All agreed upon turf areas will be mowed every week during the active growing season, which is typically March through mid-November, but is dependent upon seasonal temperatures. Mowing frequency may change during rainy or extended dry periods. Standard mowing height is 4″ for cool season grasses. String trimming shall be performed around all buildings, sidewalks, and driveways each visit. Soft edging with a string trimmer will be done on beds and edges roughly biweekly, to avoid bed extension. Grass clippings on all walkways and parking areas will be blown off upon completion of each mow. Weeds in beds will be sprayed with herbicide or hand pulled each visit, across the property, except for weeks with rain delays (not including garden beds and other non-aesthetic or homeowner managed areas. See “additional bed maintenance” below for more information). Ground cover trimming and Magnolia leaf removal will occur once every 4 weeks during the mowing season (approx. 25% of the property per week). Turf and bed space within fenced in and enclosed areas are not included in weekly services and would be an additional charge upon request.
Turf Application Round One – Lawn Application Round One is a chemical turf application that includes liquid pre-emergent/post-emergent herbicides and fertilizer necessary to optimize the health of your lawn and keep weeds to a minimum. This service is typically completed by March 15th, weather permitting. Turf is pet-safe once chemicals have dried, typically within one hour of application.
Turf Application Round Two – Lawn Application Round Two is a chemical turf application that includes liquid pre-emergent/post-emergent herbicides and fertilizer necessary to optimize the health of your lawn and keep weeds to a minimum. This service is typically completed by April 30th, weather permitting. Turf is pet safe once chemicals have dried, typically within one hour of application.
Turf Application Round Three – Lawn Application Round Three is a chemical turf application that includes liquid pre-emergent/post-emergent herbicides and fertilizer necessary to optimize the health of your lawn and keep weeds to a minimum. This service is typically completed by June 30th, weather permitting. Turf is pet-safe once chemicals have dried, typically within one hour of application.
Turf Application Round Four – Lawn Application Round Four is a chemical turf application that includes a liquid micronutrient fertilizer to enhance overall turf health, as well as a spot weed treatment if necessary. This service is typically completed by August 31st, weather permitting. Turf is pet-safe once chemicals have dried, typically within one hour of application.
Turf Application Round Five – Lawn Application Round Five is a granular high-phosphorus fertilizer, which helps jumpstart the establishment of newly planted seed. This service is typically completed by October 31st, weather permitting.
Turf Aeration & Overseeding – Aeration and overseeding is performed before the end of October to relieve soil compaction and promote thick turf. This service incorporates walk behind and stand-on aeration and seed application equipment. Mowing height will be gradually reduced to 2″ for 2-3 weeks prior to service to allow for optimal contact between turf and seed. Seed applied is a fescue blend at a rate of five pounds per thousand square feet on established lawns. Seed germination will typically begin within 10-14 days, depending on weather. Mowing will be suspended for 3-6 weeks after seeding to allow seed adequate time to begin germination. Please notify Milosi if an underground pet fence or other shallow wiring is present.
Plant Bed and Shrub Maintenance Program
Additional Bed Maintenance – Every week during the mowing season, a detail team will visit the property and address weeds in landscape maintenance beds for contracted areas. This is in addition to weekly mowing maintenance services. Crews will rotate around the community, working in different areas each visit. Individual private properties are touched roughly bi-weekly.
Pre-emergent Round One – Pre-Emergent bed applications include a broadcast of granular pre-emergent herbicide in all mulched beds and is critical in aiding in the prevention of weeds. Round one is typically applied in January/February, weather permitting.
Pre-emergent Round Two – Pre-Emergent bed applications include a broadcast of granular pre-emergent herbicide in all mulched beds and is critical in aiding in the prevention of weeds. Round two is typically applied in May/June, weather permitting.
Install Spring Mulch (February through April) – All previously mulched tree rings and plant beds will be mulched using brown hardwood mulch. Service is typically performed from early March through the end of April. All bed edges and tree rings will be redefined at a depth of 1-2″. Debris, such as leaves and weeds, will be removed prior to mulch application.
Late Spring/Summer Pruning– Spring pruning includes trimming and pruning of shrubs based on local horticultural practices. This service is typically completed before the end of June. Clippings will be hauled off site. Requested excessive cut back of hedges, or “rejuvenation pruning”, may be subject to additional charges. Spring pruning does not typically include ornamental grasses, Crape Myrtles, hydrangea, or any other shrubs in active bloom. Service does include deadheading of roses and perennials.
Fall Pruning – Fall pruning includes trimming and pruning of shrubs and perennial flowers based on local horticultural practices. This service is typically completed by mid-November. Requested excessively cut back of hedges or “rejuvenation pruning” may be subject to additional charges. Clippings will be hauled off-site. Plants typically include most hedges, hydrangeas, and roses. Ornamental grasses are recommended to be pruned in the Winter.
Dormant Pruning – Dormant Pruning includes trimming and pruning of shrubs and ornamental grasses based on horticultural practices. This service is typically completed before the end of February. Requested excessive cut back of hedges, or “rejuvenation pruning”, may be subject to additional charges. Winter pruning typically includes Crape Myrtles, ornamental grasses, rose touch up, and late blooming perennials. Crape Myrtles are only pruned back if growing near a structure. Free standing Crape Myrtles are only subject to removal of dead branches, suckers, and cross branches. *While trees and shrubs above 10’ are normally not included in the above pruning services, there may be exceptions considered to fully maintain all trees and shrubs on the property. These exceptions, within reason, will be made at Milosi’s discretion.
Leaf Removal – Fall clean ups and leaf removal starts around November 1st. Fall Clean up and leaf removal includes the blowing, raking and disposal of leaves from flower beds, gardens, shrubs, sidewalks, and driveways. 4 leaf removals are included in our current contract.
Debris Removal- Regular maintenance debris removal is included in site cleanup. Small sticks, and other debris that will not decompose quickly will be cleaned up once a week during the mowing season. If homeowners collect debris from their property and place it on the street (not in alleys), it will be removed given the following conditions: Any naturally occurring debris, in a pile no larger than a kitchen trash can and sticks with a diameter smaller than a quarter ($) will be removed in accordance with our maintenance agreement. ***Cuttings, clippings, trimmings, plant removals, oversized limbs sticks or branches, and otherwise homeowner or storm generated debris originating from private property is not covered by our maintenance contract and is the responsibility of the homeowner.*** If you do need debris removed, the HOA can offer a convenience-based service for a fee. Larger debris originating from private property can be removed by the HOA for a fee upon request. All billing will be applied to your HOA account. Please see the property manager if you have questions.
Ornamental Tree & Shrub Application Round One – Ornamental tree and shrub treatments consist of pesticide applications to prevent insects, as well as fertilizer application for optimal plant health and lush growth. Round one is typically completed by mid-February, weather permitting.
Ornamental Tree & Shrub Application Round Three – Ornamental tree and shrub treatments consist of pesticide applications to prevent insects. The round three application targets Bagworms and is typically completed by the end of June, weather permitting.
Ornamental Tree & Shrub Application Round Five – Ornamental tree and shrub treatments consist of pesticide applications to prevent insects, as well as fertilizer application for optimal plant health and lush growth. Round five is typically completed by mid-December, weather permitting.
*Milosi requires a list of addresses of all residents who wish to opt out of the tree and shrub program.
Additional Information
For information on residential services for your private residence, please see Lawn Care & Landscape Design (milosilandscape.com)

Community services:
In addition to the services listed above, Abbottsford common areas will receive the following services. These services are not for private residences. For information on residential services for your private residence, please see Lawn Care & Landscape Design (milosilandscape.com)
Irrigation Program
Start-up – This service is for an irrigation start up in the spring. Timing is dependent upon
weather conditions and temperatures. It is typically completed by mid-May. All heads will be checked for proper function and coverage, and adjustments will be made as necessary.
Irrigation controller will be adjusted for proper watering cycle times and frequency.
Seasonal Adjustments – Seasonal adjustments are typically made in June and October. All heads will be checked for proper function and coverage. Irrigation run times will be programmed to account for local weather conditions and temperatures. The fall adjustment will set the programmer to run daily after aeration and overseeding to enhance the seed germination process.
Winterization – Winterization includes shut down of irrigation system using a compressor to blow water out of the system’s main and lateral lines. The backflow is prepared for winter by breaking it down for storage to avoid winter damage.
Seasonal Color Program
Summer Annuals – Installation of summer annuals are custom designed for each property and is typically completed before the end of May. Any flower color requests should be relayed to your Client Relationship Manager. Fall annuals will be removed and flower bed edges will be manually redefined. Soil amendments, fertilizer, top dressing, and pre-emergent herbicide will be applied at time of planting.
Fall Annuals – Installation of fall annuals typically are pansies. This service is typically completed by the end of October, weather permitting. Any flower color requests should be relayed to your Client Relationship Manager. Spring annuals will be removed, and flower bed edges will be manually redefined. Soil amendments, fertilizer, top dressing, and pre-emergent herbicide will be applied at time of planting.
Seasonal Color Fertilization – Annual flower displays will be fertilized initially during installation and then twice in 6-week intervals to promote root establishment and flower blooming.
Seasonal Color Maintenance – Seasonal color maintenance includes dead heading flowers, mulch touch up and weed pulling.
Leaf Removal – Fall clean ups and leaf removal are offered starting around November 1st. Fall Clean up and leaf removal includes the blowing, raking and disposal of leaves from flower beds, gardens, shrubs, sidewalks, and driveways.
Winter Site Visits – Crews are not consistently on property during winter months (December through February). Twigs, weeds, and leaves may build up in beds and turf during this time. A crew will come out to tidy up the property a set number of hours during winter months.