ARC Guidelines

Online ARC request

Dumpster Request Form

TYPE OF WORK Submit  FormSubmit Plans, Samples of New  Material Obtain  ApprovalPay  Deposit
Painting: with no change to any color on any surface YES NO NO YES
Painting: involving changes to any color on any surface YES YES YES YES
Roofing: with no change to any color or material YES NO NO YES
Roofing: involving changes to any color or any material YES YES YES YES
Landscaping: removal or replacement of any living tree YES YES YES NO
Landscaping: removal of any dead tree or shrub NO NO NO NO
Landscaping: replacement of any landscaping material  with similar material (including seasonal color) NO NO NO NO
Landscaping: replacement of any landscaping material  (other than minor changes or seasonal color) with  substantially different material, or any substantial addition of new landscape materialYES YES YES YES
Landscaping: addition of hardscapes or water features YES YES YES YES
Repairs to existing brick/stone/masonry with no changes NO NO NO NO
Modifications to existing brick/stone/masonry YES YES YES YES
Repairs to existing fencing with no changes to color  and/or material NO NO NO NO
Additions or modifications to existing fencing involving  changes to color and/or material YES YES YES YES
Repairs to HVAC or other exterior household systems NO NO NO NO
Replacement of windows with no changes YES NO NO YES
Replacement of windows involving any changes YES YES YES YES
Tear-down and/or rebuilding of any existing structure YES YES YES YES

No construction or alteration to the exterior of any existing construction or to any fence, wall, driveway, or other improvements of any nature may be undertaken without first obtaining written approval of the Architectural Committee, by way of the On-Site Property Manager.

The Association Board has established an Architectural Committee whose  members’ names are kept confidential. The Committee has full authority to  review and act upon requests for approval of plans or alterations to existing  homes. A reasonable fee may be charged by the Association to defray any costs it incurs in considering and acting upon such proposed plans and specifications. The removal of live trees or other permanent landscaping visible from the front of your property requires AC approval. Any other change to your landscaping or  the addition of hardscape which is visible from the street also requires  approval. Replacement of a dead bush or annual color does not involve the AC process. The installation of artificial turf visible from the street is not allowed.  However, the installation of artificial turf in enclosed backyard areas which are not visible from the street is acceptable without Architectural Review. 

Any work done to the interior of a house or private courtyard which is not visible  from the street may be undertaken without submitting a form, obtaining  approval, or paying a deposit, unless such work involves a dumpster or portable  toilet. However, many types of work do require that a form be submitted, and/or that approval be granted, and/or that a refundable deposit be paid. If you plan to build or make any alterations to the exterior of your home, please contact the On-site Property Manager. You should obtain a Submission Form, complete it, submit it, and wait for approval before undertaking any such work. 

The following are examples of the types of work that could potentially require submitting a form, obtaining approval from the Architectural Committee and/or paying a refundable deposit, so be sure to check with the On-site manager before proceeding: 

• Painting 

• Roofing 

• Landscaping 

• Modifications to brick, stone, masonry, and/or fencing 

• Replacement of windows or doors 

• Tear-down and/or rebuilding of any existing structure



1. The purpose of these rules is to protect and maintain Abbottsford’s common  property, to preserve the character and appearance of the Abbottsford community, and to facilitate the maintenance of and improvements to privately owned residences in Abbottsford. The Board of Directors adopts these Rules  pursuant to its authority as stated in Article VI, Section 11 of the Amended and  Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Abbottsford  (the “Covenants”). 

2. Article VI, Section One of the Covenants requires the prior written approval of the Board or the Architectural Committee (the “AC”) before any of the  following activities may be commenced within Abbottsford: 

a. Construction 

b. Reconstruction 

c. Remodeling 

d. Alteration 

e. Change 

f. Addition, and 

g. Change or alteration of the exterior appearance (including but not limited to  any change of color of paint, roofing, etc.) to any structure, building, fence, wall,  driveway, path or other Improvement of any nature. “Improvement” refers to any building, house, garage, patio, porch, walkway, path, wall, fence, driveway,  or any other thing or object built, constructed, fabricated, made, performed or  done on a Site. (Covenants, Article I, Paragraph 10.) Materials such as siding or  asphalt are not allowed. 

3. No home may be demolished or rebuilt without prior approval of the AC. 

4. A surveyed plan by a licensed surveyor, 11” x 17” scaled – 1/16” = 1’ indicating  all proposed changes to the existing site, including grading and “limits of  construction “ lines, must be provided. The site plan must show the exact  location of the Building and all improvements on the Residential Unit, including  driveways and parking areas, with dimensions from the property line to the  proposed Building. The alignment of the driveway and location of utility lines and  equipment must be shown and dimensioned. All trees proposed to be removed  must be designated on the site plan. The site plan must also show the location  of improvements on the adjacent Residential Units.

 5. A landscape plan of 11” X 17” scaled – 1/16” = 1’ is required, showing the location, species, size, and condition. 

6. A set of building architectural plans scaled – 1/4″ = 1’ showing entrances,  window locations and elevations of all sides must be submitted. 

7. Actual samples of major materials, finishes, and colors must be provided. 

8. The owner or authorized representative (architect or contractor) must submit three (3) sets of the required building plans to the AC (through the Property Manager). 

9. If an owner commences any work for which prior approval is required, without  first obtaining approval as required by these Rules, the work can be enjoined, pending Board or AC approval. If the project is disapproved, the owner must  remove any work done and must restore the Site and the Improvement(s) in  question to their prior condition, or to such conditions as may be ordered by the  Board or AC. (Covenants, Article VI, Section One.) 

10. Recognizing that construction activity may damage Abbottsford’s common  property and/or homeowners’ Sites, the following refundable fees are imposed  upon any owner who undertakes the activities specified, whether or not prior  approval of such activities is required, sought or obtained.

Replace Roof $1000
Major brick, stone and/or concrete  work: for example, walls, patios,  steps, walks, driveways, and/or  housesUp to $2500, as determined by the  AC, depending on the magnitude of  the project
Partial tear-down and/or rebuilding  improvementUp to $5000, as determined by the  AC, depending on the magnitude of  the project
Complete teardown, with or without  reconstruction or new improvementUp to $10,000 as determined by the  AC, depending on the magnitude of  the project
Placement of dumpster or portable  storage unit on common property  (see rule 12 below)$1000
Placement of portable toilet on  common property (see rule 11  below)$500
Painting Deposit amount at discretion of the  AC, based on the extent of the  project

The fees must be paid to the Association, via the Property Manager, before the  commencement of any work. The Association shall hold the refundable fee until  the work is completed. The Association shall use said refundable fee to repair  any damage to Abbottsford common property arising out of or relating to the  construction activity. The owner remains liable to the Association to the extent  that any damage to common property exceeds the amount of the refundable  fee. All repairs to the common property done by or on behalf of the owner are  subject to the approval of the Association. If any of the fee remains after  repairing damage to common property, the Association shall have the power to  use any of the remaining fee toward the cost to repair any damage to a Site  arising out of or relating to the construction activity. Upon completion of the  work, the Association shall refund to the owner any of said fee remaining after  paying for repairs to Abbottsford common property and/or any Site. 

11. A set of the approved building plans must be on site at all times during  construction. The owner is responsible for obtaining all required local building  permits. 

12. Construction vehicles must park only in designated parking places. If this is  not practical, the Property Manager may approve parking in other areas on a  temporary basis, for example, for active loading and unloading. Under no  circumstances may construction vehicles block traffic, block access to any  homeowner’s property, drive on or park on unpaved Abbottsford common  property and/or other homeowners’ property, or block access to any fire  hydrant. Vehicles in violation of this rule may be towed without prior notice. 

13. Construction vehicles, trailers, and the like must not remain overnight on the  streets or parking areas of Abbottsford, except with the prior approval of the  Property Manager. Vehicles in violation of this rule may be towed without prior notice. 

14. Abbottsford common property, paved or otherwise, shall not be used for  storage or staging of construction materials or activities, except with the prior  approval of the Property Manager. Common property approved for such use  must be roped off and restored to its prior condition upon completion of the  work. 

15. Construction materials stored on a Site and visible from the street must be kept neat and tidy. 

16. Portable toilets shall not be placed on Abbottsford common property, except with prior approval of the Property Manager and payment of the required refundable fee. When on private property, they must be located behind or on the side of the residence undergoing construction. They may be placed in front of the residence only with prior approval of the Property Manager. Portable toilets must be serviced at least once a week and must be promptly removed when no longer needed. 

17.  All dumpsters used in Abbottsford will be in good repair and the registration of Dumpster by Davidson County should be present and visible on the dumpster.

No dumpster larger than 15 yards will be allowed on site and containers must be registered
with Davidson County.

All dumpsters require a submission of an ARC form. The ARC Form will be processed.
Necessary deposits will be obtained prior to ARC approval.

Dumpsters should be placed on private Homeowner driveway or designated parking space.

Dumpsters shall not be placed anywhere on Abbottsford property except with prior
approval of the HOA and payment of the required fees and/or deposits with a maximum of
90 days per approval cycle. Extensions can be granted on an as-needed basis after
submission and approval of additional ARC form outlining the extension

If approval to use common property is granted, dumpsters shall not be placed directly on
the pavement. Plywood or a similar protective barrier must be used.

Dumpsters must be emptied when filled or once a month, whichever comes first, and their
contents must not rise above the container.

The area around the dumpster must be kept broom clean.

Dumpsters must be in confirmed active use to remain on the property.

Fines for noncompliance with AC rules will be applied from the second offense.

Any damage to the pavement or property will be assessed to the homeowner.

All dumpsters (regardless of location) must adhere to the guidelines denoted here as well as
in the additional Governing Documents: Architectural Committee subsection Constructions

Dumpster Fees:
a. Initial ARC Submission for dumpster for community property must include a
$1,000 refundable deposit No deposit is required for dumpsters placed on private
b. First Infraction of non-compliance with AC rules: Written warning and two-week
timeframe to comply/remedy.
c. Second Infraction of non-compliance with AC rules: Written warning, $200 fine
for offense, and two-week timeframe to comply/remedy.
d. Third Infraction: Written Final Warning with $300 fine and two weeks to
e. Fourth Infraction: Written Notification of Derelict, $300 monthly fee until
compliance/situation rectified, and Homeowner incurs the additional cost of the
HOA attorney fees.
f. Final Infraction of Non-compliance: The board may remove any dumpster, and
the property owner will be assessed the costs and damages. Written notification
will be provided and two weeks to comply prior to Board action of removal of

18. Construction activities are permitted only from 7:00 AM until dark, Monday  through Saturday. Construction activities are not permitted on Sundays or on  federal holidays. For purposes of this rule, “construction activities” means any  construction, reconstruction, painting, masonry, and the like done outside the  residence. This rule does not apply to work done solely inside the residence or to repairs that need to be done quickly, such as repairs to roof leaks, electrical,  plumbing, and/or HVAC systems. 

19. Mud, gravel and debris must be cleaned up promptly. 

20. Debris shall not be burned or buried anywhere in Abbottsford. 

21. Paints, solvents, and the like shall not be disposed of by releasing or rinsing  on Abbottsford common property, or by placing or rinsing in storm drains;  rather, they must be entirely removed from Abbottsford. 

22. Contractors shall not bring animals into Abbottsford. 

23. THE ABBOTTSFORD BOARD IS AUTHORIZED TO FINE HOMEOWNERS WHOSE CONTRACTORS VIOLATE THESE RULES. For the first offense, the Property Manager shall provide the homeowner a written warning of the violation, the potential fine, and the procedure for obtaining either permission or an excuse in order to avoid a future fine. Maximum fines are specified below.

Parking in unauthorized area $50 $100
Blocking traffic or access to  private property$50 $100


Driving or parking on unpaved  common property and/or  homeowners’ property$50 $100
Construction vehicles left  overnight on common property$50 $100
Unauthorized storage of  material on common property$50 per day if not  removed by 5 days after  warning
Visible material not kept neat  and tidy$25 per day if not  cleaned up by 5 days  after warning
Portable toilets not kept clean  or not timely removed$50 per day if not  cleaned by 3 days after  warning
Construction activity outside  set construction times$50 $100
Mud, gravel, and debris not  cleaned up promptly$50 $100
Burning or burying debris $150 $300
Improper disposal of paints,  solvents, etc.$150 $300
Animals brought into  Abbottsford$50 $100
Non-compliance with AC rules $100 $200


24. Incinerators for garbage, trash or other refuse are not permitted.

25. All equipment, HVAC equipment, woodpiles, garbage cans, and refuse or storage piles, shall be screened to conceal them from view of neighboring sites, roads, streets, and open areas.

26. All television antennae, satellite dishes, dishes which receive video programming services via multipoint distribution services, and any other device used for the reception of television broadcast signals, direct broadcast satellite services or multichannel multipoint distribution (wireless cable) services must be one (1) meter or less in diameter, and must be located so as not to be visible from the front of the Site (unless such location would preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal) [in lieu of last sentence of Article VI, Section 2, Paragraph 8 of Covenants.]

27. Outside clotheslines are prohibited.

28. Eave lights may not be installed on the fronts of residences. Eave lights installed on the sides of residences must be adjusted so that the rays of any beam or flood light will be directed toward the rear of the residence, and not to the side or front. Eave lights shall also only shine vertically and shall not be directed toward the property of others.

29. No tennis backboards shall be permitted on any Site.

30. Owners of all Sites shall maintain their Sites and Improvements in a neat and attractive condition.

31. All Sites shall be used for private, single-family residential purposes. No house or other Improvement on any Site shall be used for any commercial or business purpose.

32. A minimum of two off-street parking spaces for each residence must be provided by each owner.

Please note that roll off dumpster approvals are a separate form. Please fill out the "dumpster request form" for dumpster approvals.

Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 10 files.