Dear Fellow Residents:
There’s been a lot going on and I want to update you on several topics.
Landscaping: The RFP process to select a landscape service provider is complete. The Landscape Committee, under the leadership of Greg Bowers, and with the assistance of BFT developed a thorough RFP document and received proposals from six prospective firms. The committee and two board members interviewed all six firms. The committee recommended that Sunrise be selected as our landscape services provider. The board approved the committee’s recommendation. The details of our contract with Sunrise are being finalized and our goal is that the contract will be executed prior to the commencement of Sunrise’s services on February 1. The contract provides for regular reports that will enable the committee and the board to monitor compliance with its terms. Landscape maintenance fees payable in 2025 will be $390,000.
Turf Care began work on the front entrance upgrade prior to a pause due to the snow and cold weather. What you see now is very much a work in process with much left to do. I know that we all look forward to seeing the completed project later in the spring.
Management Contract: Cody’s last day was December 31. David Floyd & Associates took over “all management services” for Abbottsford on January 1 in accordance with their existing contract in the event Abbottsford does not have an on-site manager for any reason. David Floyd III is serving as our off-site manager. Cody and David worked together to make the hand-off a smooth one. David is off to a good start in his new role. As with any change in providers there will likely be some initial “bumps in the road”, so I hope you’ll be patient with David as he settles into his new role. Any inquiries, requests, complaints, etc. that would formerly have been directed to Cody should be directed to David Floyd & Associates by emailing or by calling David at 615-297-2824. Additionally, as we work together with David Floyd & Associates in this expanded relationship, we will be evaluating the need or desirability of hiring a part time on site “porter” of the sort that Abbottsford has had at times in the past. The proposed budget provides funds to hire a porter to be on-site 20 hours per week.
Given the number of projects going on the board we decided to see how all this works before determining whether to conduct an RFP process for an off-site management company, which would include David Floyd & Associates as well as other management companies with experience with communities similar to Abbottsford.
Reconvened HOA Meeting/Proposed 2025 Budget: You should have received a notice of the reconvened HOA meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, February 5, called for the purpose of approving the proposed budget for 2025, along with a copy of the proposed budget and a proxy form. The proposed budget includes what we believe are good assumptions for major expenses such as landscape and management services and will enable us to continue to make meaningful contributions to our reserves, which is important given the projected substantial draw down of our reserves in 2025, and beyond, to fund the paving project. I hope you will attend the meeting, but if you’re not able to attend please be sure to return your proxy to help ensure that we have a quorum.
Paving Project: Instead of directly contacting one or more paving companies, we hired Rhodes Engineering to help guide us about paving our roads. Rhodes has recommended a 3 Phase process, with a recommendation to do Phase 1 now.
Rhodes 3 Phases are:
· Phase 1 (2025) Mill and replace pavement with structural issues AND the pavement between the front entrance and part way up the sides of the first island on Abbottsford. Lay 2 inches of new pavement on other areas amounting to roughly 30% of our paved area.
· Repair or replace curbs with structural damage or which would be covered by the height of the new pavement.
· Optional addition to Phase 1…The current plan is to do Phases 2 and 3 in 2026 and 2027. If that work is delayed for some reason, we can seal the rest of the paved areas to make them look good until we put 2 inches of new asphalt on all of the streets and 1 inch of the service roads in Phases 2 and 3.
· Phase 2 & 3 (2026 and 2027) Two inches of new asphalt on streets and one inch on service roads such that at the end of all 3 phases there’s new pavement on all our streets and service roads.
· Rhodes has advised us that there our total cost may be materially less if we do all the work at once. So, in addition to bidding on the work in phases as described above, bidders will be asked to submit separate bids on a) doing all the work in 2025 and b) replacing all of our curbs.
· I believe that given our reserves, we will decide that the more prudent course is to do the work in phases as described above, but I think it makes sense to determine if there are potential savings that might justify a more aggressive approach.
Our Bid Process:
· Rhodes will send bid packages to paving contractors on February 10, inviting interested contractors to a pre -bid meeting and walking tour of Abbottsford in late February. Work would begin later in the Spring.
Reserve Study: We expect to receive the completed Reserve Study prior to the May HOA meeting. We will discuss the implications of the report at that meeting. As we have said previously, unlike prior reserve studies, this time we have asked the consultants preparing the report to use estimated actual useful lives for our assets, as opposed to national average useful lives that were used in all prior reports. This change will address the fact that we have a number of assets that are 20-30 (or more) years old and thereby give us a more accurate view of the adequacy of our reserves.
Board Vacancies: There are currently two vacancies on the board created by the resignations of Ashley Cantrell and Noelle Kinser. The board was advised by legal counsel that the language in our governing documents concerning holding special meetings to fill board vacancies is optional, not mandatory. Given the numerous changes in progress, the relatively short time before the May HOA meeting (when Ashley’s term expires), and our desire to allow ample time to reach out to all Abbottsford residents for a broader board, the board decided not hold a special meeting to fill these vacancies.
At the May meeting there will be at least three vacancies on the board, the two current vacancies and Chris Wells’ current seat. Chris is eligible to run for another 3-year term but is currently undecided if he will do so. Brad Pendleton’s term expires in May 2026, and my term expires in May 2027. I believe that both Brad and I plan to serve out our terms… unless something causes one or both of us to conclude that we’ve had as much of this fun as we deserve.
We hope that all residents will consider serving on the board. Our community would be well served by a board that truly reflects the neighborhood… old, young, longtime residents, new arrivals etc. Please consider running for a board position. Please let us know if you are interested or would like to talk with a board member.
We look forward to seeing you at our February 5th meeting.
Best regards,
Townes Duncan