Winter Weather Plant Damage

Many plant’s leaves have turned brown after the exposure to the freezing wind and rapid temperature drop.

Many of you have expressed concern about the plants damaged by the recent winter storm.   

After consulting with landscape experts, we believe that some of the plants only appear dead, but will likely drop the dead leaves as new growth appears in early spring.  Until then, we will not know the extent of the damage with absolute certainty. Resist the impulse to prune out the dead leaves because they provide protection from additional winter storms yet to come.  Pruning too early will result in additional damage to plants and risk killing them. Taking this “wait and see” approach will help us determine the extent of the damage and minimize unnecessary pruning and replacements. Abbottsford is in communications with Sunrise and will re-evaluate contract pruning needs in mid to late February. Hopefully, the damage is not as extensive as it appears.  If surface pruning is all that is needed, no extra expense will be necessary. If any heavy pruning or removal of dead plant material is needed, Sunrise and other landscapers you use will need to charge extra for those services.

Our recommendations at this time are to contact your desired landscape service provider and get on their schedule now for future pruning services in the early spring. Landscapers will likely be inundated with a high volume of extra pruning requests in early spring. Go ahead and put your name on their list and check in with them in a few weeks if you know you want extensive pruning or removal of shrubs on your property.  

How And When To Prune After Winter Damage: Treating Trees And Shrubs With Winter Damage (

Landscaping Request Forms

We know that Bob Wellerding and Sunrise of Nashville are committed to giving the best service they can provide. We are working with Sunrise of Nashville to simplify requests and allow better access to information for Abbottsford management. Please send any and all requests for specific landscaping services to us via the Landscaping Request Form – Abbottsford . Please include any details, as well as photos, if available. These request forms will be emailed directly to Sunrise as well as filed on site here at Abbottsford for easy access and verification of completion. Requests are completed in the order they are received. Per agreement, Sunrise has 3 visits to complete contract requests. If requests fall outside of contract obligations, Sunrise will reach out to you to discuss pricing and scheduling of those services.

Please try to refrain from giving verbal requests to Sunrise workers. They try very hard to complete requests, but Sunrise and Abbottsford need requests in writing to be able to make sure they are completed timely and correctly. Please reach out to the On-site manager with any questions about landscape maintenance services. Thank you.

Traffic and Parking Rules

A neighborly reminder:

Please keep all guest vehicles parked in driveways and designated parking spacing if at all possible. Overnight parking in streets is prohibited per community guidelines. Rules & Regulations – Abbottsford. After the new year, we will be evaluating street parking more closely. Thank you.

Please obey all speed limits and stop signs. These traffic calming measures are important for the safety of pedestrians, children and pets, as well as drivers.

With the nights coming earlier, a reminder to think about safety in our community. Watch for children, pedestrians, and pets, especially after dark.

Pedestrians: Don’t forget light colored clothing, flashlights, and/or reflective wears when possible. They help drivers see you.

We have upgraded many streetlights this year and hope this aids driver and pedestrian safety in the darker winter months. You can report unsafe driving, or other safety concerns to the on-site manager if necessary.

Stay safe!

Visit your Little Free Library!

Check out the Abbottsford Little Free Library throughout December for new selections, including a variety of holiday titles. Contact Amy Lyles Wilson at if you have books/puzzles to donate. Thank you!

Summary Semi-Annual Homeowners Meeting November 2022

Summary Semi-Annual Homeowners Meeting November 2022
On Monday, November 14, 2022, the fall Semi-Annual Homeowners meeting was held
at the Abbottsford clubhouse.

The BOD wanted to provide you with a synopsis of the meeting. After introductions and
establishing a quorum, an update from the Abbottsford committees was presented that
summarized their work over the past year and their anticipated projects along with
expenses for 2023. A summary is provided below for your review.

Brad Pendleton provided a financial update by reviewing Year to Date income and
expenses. He also reviewed the opening of a Raymond James account to obtain better
interest rates for our reserve CDs and still have full FDIC protection for each of the CDs.

Next the proposed budget for 2023 was presented. There was a great deal of
discussion regarding the budget, particularly the proposed 15% monthly dues increase.
After all questions were answered, voting by paper ballot occurred. The final count of
votes from those in attendance as well as those who submitted a proxy was performed.
The budget passed with 43 Yes votes compared to 17 No votes. The new budget and
monthly dues of $345.00 per month will be effective January 1, 2023.

2023 Board Priorities and Projects:

 Address landscape issues esp. those highlighted by drought such as dying trees
 Begin replacement of irrigation system (at end of life)
 Repair Pool, including deck, plumbing, and pump
 Manage finances to stay on budget
 Enhance neighborhood security
 Increase engagement opportunities
 Bring fiber internet capabilities to Abbottsford

The BOD and Cody thank you for your support and we will continue to work to make
Abbottsford the premiere community of Green Hills and the surrounding area.

Chris, Breck, Nancy, Brad, Ashley, and Cody