Landscaping Committee Update (2/17/25)

At the February 5th Homeowners Meeting, we provided an update regarding various landscape initiatives underway within Abbottsford. For those of you who were unable to attend here is a recap:

Master Plan

The landscape design firm, BFT, has been working with us in multiple areas. One of their current projects is to develop a long-term master plan for the community. This will cover categories ranging from recommendations for enhancing our greenspace to surveying our beautiful tree canopy to address diseased specimens and planting new ones for Abbottsford’s long-term beauty.  The Master Plan will provide a thoughtful forward-looking outline which can be a road map to ensure future initiatives are consistent with the Vision. This plan is expected later this month and will be shared with the community as we work through it in the future.

Upcoming Initiatives

In addition, we will be addressing feedback from you and initiating changes as quickly as possible to certain existing areas in keeping with the overall Vision for the community. One of these will be to relocate plants within the butterfly garden to the planting area next to the tennis courts. This will enhance that space as well as provide a sunnier, more conducive location for the plants to thrive. The existing butterfly garden area will be sodded and returned to its original design and green space.

We also have certain islands or medians which are bare or the plantings were hit hard in the flash freeze a couple of years ago and have never fully recovered. The result is unsightly utility boxes that need some attractive screening. Similarly, we have a number of small mulched areas at the ends of certain medians in which ornamental grasses or perennials were planted that have never really worked out very well. Our current thoughts are to remove these areas and simply sod them back over. The goal is that this will result in a more attractive and consistent look as well as a space that will be easier and less expensive to maintain. 

Similarly, we have some other areas in which we have allowed the mulched area to get too large. Our current ideas are to reduce these and sod where applicable. All of this of course requires a well maintained and properly used irrigation system. As many of you know this has not always been our strong suit but we hope that certain improvements last year will carry over to this year. Ultimately the experts seem to think that our irrigation system will need an upgrade someday.

New Landscape Vendor

BFT also helped us coordinate our interview process for a new landscaping vendor back in November. The specific Request for Proposal (“RFP”) was developed based upon feedback from you regarding what you wanted in a landscaping company. This was based upon the community survey that was circulated last summer as well as direct feedback from numerous conversations over the past year. An excerpt from that RFP is attached to this and we believe you will see that it highlighted the major desires voiced by us all. 

The RFP was sent to six different landscaping companies with ultimately five participating in the process. This included the submission of their bid, company qualifications, and a half day in-person interview session with the Landscaping Committee (“LC”) and two members of the Board. Based upon this process the LC considered the vendor’s qualifications, experience, and pricing and recommended Sunrise of Nashville to be the community’s provider. This recommendation was approved by the Board.

Sunrise began on-site on Wednesday, February 5th and hit the ground running! Their initial work has been on starting the process of getting our property back under control and as one of the residents said “neat and clean”.  For those of you that have been in town you have seen them remove truckload after truckload of debris and the improvement is noticeable!  

Sunrise will be circulating an email in the near future that we have worked together on. It will provide a reminder of what is included under our contract as well as allowing you to “opt out” of certain standard services if you prefer to handle these yourself (e.g. pruning your shrubs, using your own mulch type (our contract only provides for hardwood mulch for efficiency and pricing)). Be on the lookout for that email.

The email will also let you know that the recommended method for reaching out to Sunrise with questions or comments is via email to:

Communications within this address will be copied to both our property management company, David Floyd & Associates, as well as to the head of the LC. This will ensure that requests are easy to make and are responded to promptly versus going through the website as had been previously done. Of course, you can still contact Sunrise directly as you see the owner, Bob Wellerding, or his managers on-site, but to keep things organized we do recommend using the email please.

Front Entrance Project

As you have probably noticed, new plantings have been installed at our front entrance and as of this writing this project is nearing completion. The design by BFT with input from the LC, was shared with the community in 2024 has really taken shape! We look forward to the arrival of spring when the plants will begin to leaf out and really come to life. 

You will see that a number of new mature trees have been planted in that area replacing certain existing ones that were in decline or had simply outgrown the space. In our opinion changing these plantings out has really rejuvenated the entrance overall. Similarly based upon recommendations and resident input the old black and gold lettering Abbottsford signs installed twenty or so years ago are dated and will be removed. Instead, the focus will be on the original timeless inscribed “Abbottsford” wording on the front of the guardhouse. 

Remaining components to be done before this project is completed will be the installation of an attractive new fence for screening the back side of the guardhouse and its utility boxes, etc. A design has been selected and is out for bid at this time. Other initiatives in the early stages of discussion/being considered include a new improved lighting package to upgrade the current mix of wired and/or solar units. 

Newly Renovated Landscapes of Residents

We have counted approximately twenty yards in which the homeowners have made some wonderful improvements to their landscaping, in some instances completely re-doing their yards. This is a great enhancement to the overall beauty of Abbottsford!  We all thank you for the direct investment in your yard as well as your contribution to our community!

In talking with residents, updating their yards is something others would like to do but just do not know where to start. We recommend reaching out to your neighbors who have done this and getting advice from them about which landscaping company did their work and any suggestions they might have.  BFT is also working with us to provide an outline of some recommendations for shrubs and bushes and trees that would be in keeping with the overall Abbottsford Vision. They plan to share that with the community soon and we will post it on the website.  

Abbottsford’s Landscaping Vision

Lastly, we have noted the “Vision” throughout the above. This is the summary statement that was developed and shared by the LC last year outlining our goals:

“We envision Abbottsford’s landscape as an elegant, welcoming, park-like setting inspired by the timeless principles of English landscape design.

This vision is based upon the belief that experiencing natural beauty throughout the year will contribute to a higher quality of life and enhanced community pride in Abbottsford.”

Wrap Up

Lastly, Abbottsford is a large property and we need your help identifying issues that need to be addressed. So, as you drive or walk around the property and see something that should be considered let us know. Send your comments or questions to our property management company, David Floyd & Associates, and they will forward it onto the LC.  Their specific Abbottsford email address is:

Special Board Election – Call for Nominations

To the Abbottsford Community:

The Abbottsford Board is made-up of five members. In mid-late 2024 two Board members resigned for various reasons. We will have a special election to replace each of these two members.

The two new elected Board members will complete the terms for the two Board members who resigned. 

  • One new Board member will have a 2-month (March-April 2025) appointment ending at the Semi-Annual Homeowners meeting in May 2025.
  • The other Board member will have a two-year appointment ending in May 2027. 

We have so many wonderful, talented, and committed people in Abbottsford. We are asking each of you to consider serving on the Abbottsford Board. We need people who are strategic thinkers, who are information gatekeepers to/for the community and who want to help Abbottsford! 

The Board is currently dealing with complex issues that were not effectively addressed or deferred because of cost in the past. For example, re-paving the roads has been deferred for many years. We need to think about what we need to do to enhance and strengthen Abbottsford now and for the future. 

Many of you have approached Board members expressing concern about the negativity that you feel has at times dominated meetings and other interactions among Abbottsford homeowners in recent months. Those who approached Board members say that the negativity feels uncomfortable, disrespectful, etc. We realize that this may make some of you reluctant to consider serving on the Board; however, we are fully committed to ensuring that all homeowners (including Board members) are treated with respect in the future. Although there will be disagreements at times, we all have a shared interest in making Abbottsford the best community that it can be, and the long-term success of Abbottsford must be kept at the forefront. 

We need you now! We need your help, your thinking, your support, and your ideas to continue to enhance Abbottsford! Please read the election details below. If you would like to talk about running for the Board, feel free to contact a Board member. 


Abbottsford HOA Board of Directors

– Townes Duncan

– Christpher Wells

– Bradley Pendleton



The Abbottsford Homeowners Association is conducting a special election to fill two (2) vacancies on the Association’s Board of Directors that resulted from the resignations of former Directors Noelle Kinser and Ashley Cantrell. 

  • The Board is asking all homeowners to consider running for the Board. 
  • The election will be held via written ballot. (The Tennessee Nonprofit Corporation Act specifically authorizes action by written ballot without a meeting.)
  • There will be two separate ballot votes to fill the two vacancies that will have different terms.
    • A 2-month (March-April 2025) appointment completing Ashley Cantrell’s term.
    • A 2-year appointment ending in May 2027 completing Noelle Kinser’s term. 
  • Two (2) candidates will be elected to the Board of Directors upon receipt by the Association of a sufficient number of ballots to achieve the quorum.
  • Each of the new directors will have the option (but no obligation) to run for a full 3-year term upon the expiration of the partial term to which they were elected.


  • Each candidate must select the Board position he/she plans to run for.
    • The 2-month Board term
    • The 2-year Board term
  • Please provide a brief bio about your background and why you would be an excellent candidate to be on the Abbottsford Board of Directors. 
  • You have one week from receiving this message (February 21, 2025) to send your bio to David Floyd at


  • The Board will have the ballot (for the two positions) hand delivered to each home along with a self-addressed stamped envelope for returns. 
  • For a valid election vote, at least forty-four (44) completed ballots constituting twenty-five (25%) of the total votes in the Association must be received by the Association to establish a quorum.
  • If no candidate receives a majority of votes cast in either election, a run-off election will be held between the two candidates receiving the most votes. 
  • For your vote to be counted, your completed ballot must be received by the Association using the self-addressed, paid return envelope no later than March 10, 2025.

Abbottsford Monthly HOA Fee Increasing to $360 Effective 3/1/2025

Dear Abbottsford Homeowners,

The 2025 budget was approved by an affirmative vote of the homeownership on February 5th. Subsequently, the monthly HOA fee will increase from $345 to $360 effective March 1, 2025. A copy of the approved budget is attached.

If you are currently on auto-draft through David Floyd & Associates, Inc., no action is required. If you pay your HOA fees online, via mailed check, or via bill-pay, please be sure to pay the new amount going forward.

Thank you.

Letter from HOA President (1/31/25)

Dear Fellow Residents:

There’s been a lot going on and I want to update you on several topics.

Landscaping: The RFP process to select a landscape service provider is complete. The Landscape Committee, under the leadership of Greg Bowers, and with the assistance of BFT developed a thorough RFP document and received proposals from six prospective firms. The committee and two board members interviewed all six firms. The committee recommended that Sunrise be selected as our landscape services provider. The board approved the committee’s recommendation. The details of our contract with Sunrise are being finalized and our goal is that the contract will be executed prior to the commencement of Sunrise’s services on February 1. The contract provides for regular reports that will enable the committee and the board to monitor compliance with its terms. Landscape maintenance fees payable in 2025 will be $390,000.

Turf Care began work on the front entrance upgrade prior to a pause due to the snow and cold weather. What you see now is very much a work in process with much left to do. I know that we all look forward to seeing the completed project later in the spring.

Management Contract: Cody’s last day was December 31. David Floyd & Associates took over “all management services” for Abbottsford on January 1 in accordance with their existing contract in the event Abbottsford does not have an on-site manager for any reason. David Floyd III is serving as our off-site manager. Cody and David worked together to make the hand-off a smooth one. David is off to a good start in his new role. As with any change in providers there will likely be some initial “bumps in the road”, so I hope you’ll be patient with David as he settles into his new role. Any inquiries, requests, complaints, etc. that would formerly have been directed to Cody should be directed to David Floyd & Associates by emailing or by calling David at 615-297-2824. Additionally, as we work together with David Floyd & Associates in this expanded relationship, we will be evaluating the need or desirability of hiring a part time on site “porter” of the sort that Abbottsford has had at times in the past. The proposed budget provides funds to hire a porter to be on-site 20 hours per week.

Given the number of projects going on the board we decided to see how all this works before determining whether to conduct an RFP process for an off-site management company, which would include David Floyd & Associates as well as other management companies with experience with communities similar to Abbottsford.

Reconvened HOA Meeting/Proposed 2025 Budget: You should have received a notice of the reconvened HOA meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, February 5, called for the purpose of approving the proposed budget for 2025, along with a copy of the proposed budget and a proxy form. The proposed budget includes what we believe are good assumptions for major expenses such as landscape and management services and will enable us to continue to make meaningful contributions to our reserves, which is important given the projected substantial draw down of our reserves in 2025, and beyond, to fund the paving project. I hope you will attend the meeting, but if you’re not able to attend please be sure to return your proxy to help ensure that we have a quorum.

Paving Project: Instead of directly contacting one or more paving companies, we hired Rhodes Engineering to help guide us about paving our roads. Rhodes has recommended a 3 Phase process, with a recommendation to do Phase 1 now.

Rhodes 3 Phases are:

·      Phase 1 (2025) Mill and replace pavement with structural issues AND the pavement between the front entrance and part way up the sides of the first island on Abbottsford. Lay 2 inches of new pavement on other areas amounting to roughly 30% of our paved area.

·      Repair or replace curbs with structural damage or which would be covered by the height of the new pavement.

·      Optional addition to Phase 1…The current plan is to do Phases 2 and 3 in 2026 and 2027. If that work is delayed for some reason, we can seal the rest of the paved areas to make them look good until we put 2 inches of new asphalt on all of the streets and 1 inch of the service roads in Phases 2 and 3.

·      Phase 2 & 3 (2026 and 2027) Two inches of new asphalt on streets and one inch on service roads such that at the end of all 3 phases there’s new pavement on all our streets and service roads.

·      Rhodes has advised us that there our total cost may be materially less if we do all the work at once. So, in addition to bidding on the work in phases as described above, bidders will be asked to submit separate bids on a) doing all the work in 2025 and b) replacing all of our curbs.

·      I believe that given our reserves, we will decide that the more prudent course is to do the work in phases as described above, but I think it makes sense to determine if there are potential savings that might justify a more aggressive approach.

Our Bid Process:

·      Rhodes will send bid packages to paving contractors on February 10, inviting interested contractors to a pre -bid meeting and walking tour of Abbottsford in late February. Work would begin later in the Spring.

Reserve Study: We expect to receive the completed Reserve Study prior to the May HOA meeting. We will discuss the implications of the report at that meeting. As we have said previously, unlike prior reserve studies, this time we have asked the consultants preparing the report to use estimated actual useful lives for our assets, as opposed to national average useful lives that were used in all prior reports. This change will address the fact that we have a number of assets that are 20-30 (or more) years old and thereby give us a more accurate view of the adequacy of our reserves.

Board Vacancies: There are currently two vacancies on the board created by the resignations of Ashley Cantrell and Noelle Kinser. The board was advised by legal counsel that the language in our governing documents concerning holding special meetings to fill board vacancies is optional, not mandatory. Given the numerous changes in progress, the relatively short time before the May HOA meeting (when Ashley’s term expires), and our desire to allow ample time to reach out to all Abbottsford residents for a broader board, the board decided not hold a special meeting to fill these vacancies.

At the May meeting there will be at least three vacancies on the board, the two current vacancies and Chris Wells’ current seat. Chris is eligible to run for another 3-year term but is currently undecided if he will do so. Brad Pendleton’s term expires in May 2026, and my term expires in May 2027. I believe that both Brad and I plan to serve out our terms… unless something causes one or both of us to conclude that we’ve had as much of this fun as we deserve.

We hope that all residents will consider serving on the board. Our community would be well served by a board that truly reflects the neighborhood… old, young, longtime residents, new arrivals etc. Please consider running for a board position. Please let us know if you are interested or would like to talk with a board member.

We look forward to seeing you at our February 5th meeting.

Best regards,

Townes Duncan

Abbottsford Reconvened Semi-Annual Homeowners Meeting Notice (1/24/25)

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