Landscape Updates – August 28th

Abbottsford Management has identified maintenance areas requiring both short- and long-term solutions to ensure they look their best.  We are considering potential solutions to meet residents’ expectations.  Milosi is working through a list of known issues and making steady progress.  The board is also evaluating additional service needs and options to increase service frequency.  Please direct concerns through the appropriate channels for proper assessment and attention.  You may report any issues through the landscape request form on the website.

Removal of some Mixed Evergreen Groundcover (MEG) beds:  

Several species of evergreen groundcover plants have intermixed for decades creating what we are calling Mixed Evergreen Groundcover (MEG) beds.  MEG beds are in both common areas and private properties.  In prior years, frequent string-trimming concealed the weed problem in these areas rather than resolving it.  The roots of unwanted plants remained, causing persistent issues.  To help maintain the aesthetic standards within the community, we are seeking long-term solutions rather than temporary concealment measures.  We will be completely removing three of these MEG areas in the following test locations on HOA property:

  1. Along the St. James Park fence line.
  2. A narrow strip on Bowring Park’s north end.
  3.  The area between the end of the service drive behind Green Park and the tennis courts. 

Grass and/or mulch will replace these mixed evergreen groundcover (MEG) areas. These MEG areas have become difficult and expensive to maintain.  The proposed changes will be more maintainable and more cost-effective.  Improving Abbottsford’s serviceability will also increase our appeal to service providers in the future.  

Tree Health & Free Replacements:  Several trees were recently removed due to safety concerns, rapid decline, disease, or insect infestation.  Root Nashville’s Free Trees for Private Property Program will provide suitable replacement trees at no cost to Abbottsford this fall and winter.  Cumberland River Compact will provide free, weekly watering for those trees during the next 2 growing seasons while they establish healthy root systems.  Abbottsford Management is investigating ways in which we can improve the overall health of our trees.  Urban trees often have shorter life spans than trees in natural settings.  Urban trees need extra support and attention.

Tree Pruning Work:  On Thursday, West Tree Care will continue their pruning work.  Dead limbs in the large hackberry on Foster Hill will be removed due to safety risks; that tree will remain under observation (losing its canopy & showing signs of decline).  The lateral limb of the magnolia in the 2nd median will be thinned to reduce the likelihood of breakage.  

In mid-late September, we will welcome a new vendor, Full Circle Tree & Shrub Service, to address a few smaller pruning projects.  On Bowring Park, a dead pine tree along the perimeter fence will be removed, and dead branches will be removed from the cherry trees. Two dead trees between the pool and tennis courts will be removed.  Dead limbs in crabapples, cherries, and Willow Oak trees on Foster Hill will be pruned.  Thank you for reporting any tree concerns to Ashley Cantrell so arborists can evaluate their condition.

Future Project Plans:  The board is investigating possible solutions to address many of Abbottsford’s landscaping and assets improvement needs over the next few years.  The board is evaluating the cost of these projects to help formulate a list of priorities and expected budgetary needs.  Our goal is to make steady improvements so that our beautiful neighborhood continues to update and innovate.

Thank you for your patience.

Ashley Cantrell, Landscape Chair

Bowring Street Lights

We are awaiting an electrical repair for the streetlights around the detention pond on Bowring Park. Three lights will be out until this repair is completed. Repairs should be made towards the end next week but could be subject to delays.

Tree Removal Update:

“Dear neighbors, several of Abbottsford’s trees were removed today by West Tree Care, including some we have been observing but hoped would not require removal.  Those trees were assessed by an arborist today and determined to pose an unacceptable safety or health risk.  After an arborist assessment, the Board decided to proceed with removing two maples dying in the first median, 3 pine trees at the end of St. James Park, and one leaning, diseased pine on Kensington Park.  We pay 30% less by removing them today, as opposed to requiring a separate visit for their removal.  All trees were evaluated by plant pathologists and arborists and had one of four major problems necessitating their removal.  The playground oak tree and some pine trees had lost their structural integrity and posed an unacceptable safety risk to life and property.  To honor the magnificent playground oak tree, “tree cookies” or cross-sections of the oak tree will be created and placed in the playground mulch area as a nature play element for Abbottsford’s children and grandchildren.  Other maple and redbud trees had significant and unsolvable health problems that posed a risk of spreading to nearby, mature, healthy trees.  Pathologists diagnosed those trees with either Slime Flux/Bacterial Wetwood, Bot Canker, or Granulate Ambrosia Beetle infestations.  

Replacement trees will be planted during the dormant season to replace the lost trees, where appropriate.  Increasing tree diversity in Abbottsford will help minimize future removals and improve our aesthetic.” 


Stump Grinding and Future Planting Update:

“Stumps were ground on Bowring Park’s parking areas, Green Park, and at the Playground Oak in preparation for plantings to occur during this fall & winter.  Dead and weak shrubs in HOA common areas around some utility box screenings will be removed in September by Full Circle Tree & Shrub.  Replacement plantings will take place this fall & winter to provide the necessary screening of utility boxes.  

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Ashley Cantrell

Landscape Chair” 

Summer Pool Party

Last chance to RSVP if you have not already.

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Board Officers Update

The Board of Directors wants to inform our neighborhood of the updated officer positions for the Q3 and Q4 of 2024 and through Spring of 2025.

        President – Townes Duncan
        Treasurer and Finances – Brad Pendleton
        Landscape and Secretary – Ashley Cantrell
        Assets – Chris Wells
        Engagement – Noelle Kinser

Abbottsford BOD