Cicada netting

Over the next week, you will notice a layer of protective tulle wrapped around some of our young trees in HOA common areas.  This is to prevent “flagging,” which is the dead branch damage caused after female cicadas create slits to lay eggs in woody branches between 1/4″ and 1/2″ diameter.  Once Cicada season ends, these protective coverings will be promptly removed.  Thank you for your understanding as we try to reduce the loss of our newly planted trees.

This video from the Cicada Crew at University of Maryland shows how you can protect any small trees in your yard.

Ashley Cantrell will demonstrate how to protect young trees from Cicada damage his Saturday, May 10th at 10am in the second median past the guardhouse in Abbottsford.  Female cicadas create slits in woody branches between 1/4″ and 1/2″ in diameter before laying their eggs.  This can damage young trees with predominantly small branches to the point of killing them.  Young trees planted in the past 2 years are most at risk.  Japanese Maples may also me at risk.  If you cannot attend, this video shows how to properly protect young trees from cicadas damage.  Thank you.